Many offices today are going mobile.  What does this mean?

I’ve recently gone mobile. I essentially no longer have a fixed office space.  I have my office in a rolling briefcase.  I have to say, for people who know me, know this is a huge departure for me!  I love my paper, and holding documents, whatever they may be.  I’ve been given a wireless keyboard and mouse.  I am LOVING this new freedom!!!

I have the following advice:

  1. Go with it!!
  2. Think about purging what you really don’t need.  Keep only the bare minimum of documents or ensure you have documents on your laptop.
  3. If using technology, ensure it is clear where you are located at any time.  Keep your calendar up to date.
  4. Keep your phone available and email the way to access you quickly and easily.

I hope this has helped you to ease into or have to dive into mobile office space.  Let me know if this has helped!  I’d love to hear from you, and if you have other suggestions.