Have you ever wondered “why do the towels smell musty, they were just washed!”  I’ve done that and for the life of me could not figure out why that was the case.  I would buy nice smelling laundry detergent, and fabric softener of the same brand…………The towels smelled NOTHING like the products I used to wash them in!

Well, that was the culprit.  The products I was using, not the detergent. It was the fabric softener that was doing it.  I don’t think this is brand specific, it is the simply a build up on the towels.  So how do we fix this?? This is an easy fix!

I found the if you mix the following:

1 cup white vinegar

1/2 cup baking soda

Add these individually, over your smelly towels.

Now wash in HOT water.

As soon as the towels are dry, fully dry, fold and put away.

The reason this works is because the regular fabric softener leaves a film on the towels.  With that, they also become increasingly less absorbent.  So that causes a double whammy!

With this trick, you can enjoy fresh smelling towels again.

How often should this be done? Only when the towels begin the smell sticky and sour again.

How can that be avoided?  I would recommend not using any fabric softener again.  If you want a natural soft, ener for towels, you can use vinegar regularly.


I haven’t used fabric softener in years after discovering this trick.  I haven’t looked back!

Please tell me what you think of this trick.  I’d love to know if it worked for you.